
Shabby Chic - Chevron



Getting back into my routine has been difficult. I space out several times during the day, thinking about my grampa's funeral and worrying about my gramma. I am having a harder time than I thought I would with the death of my grampa, not because his death was sudden but because there is this void. I am so thankful for my family---for our closeness, sincerity, humor, love, to name a few. I realize that part of the reason that we have such a fabulous family is because of my grampa; he created it. And it is a strange thing to know he is not physically present anymore, especially at a family gathering. Our bodies really are shells without our spirit and soul. I miss him.

Aside from that, things have been troublesome with the house. Megan and I have not stayed there for the past couple weeks and managed to break our lease. The cherry on top of the rat problem is that I found a dead squirrel wedged in between two cushions in my couch. All I could see were its hind legs and tail; its head seems to be stuck underneath the cushions. I have to laugh (even though it's disgusting) because I can't imagine a squirrel getting itself stuck in a couch. Aren't they agile? Can they not jump from trees, dodge traffic (sometimes)? Surely it could back itself out of a space in a couch. ?!?!?!?! Oh well. I also laugh because my grampa used to use his slingshot and rocks to get squirrels off of his bird feeder. I guess he didn't need to waste time and energy with a slingshot all those years. He could have lured those squirrels to their doom with couch cushions.

1 comment:

Cassie said...

I have to say, your outlook is quite impressive considering your circumstances... I particularly love the joke about the couch cushions in the end. I hope everything improves nicely for you.