
Shabby Chic - Chevron


Whaddya think?

Do you think you're an old soul or young soul? Or neither?


Pete Bauer said...

When I was young, I felt like an old soul. Now that I'm older, I feel like a young soul.

I guess I felt in line when I was 25 for about 10 minutes. :)

Anonymous said...

People always end up randomly telling me that I have an old soul. I think when it comes to the serious stuff, I do and when it comes to the fun stuff, I have a young soul. Do you ever feel like part of you will always be a kid? I do.

Ramsey Days said...

Most of the time I feel like I just graduated from college....then I have to remind myself that I worked for a few years, got married, had TWO kids who are 2 and 5...and then I rem. I am older than I think...but I always want to be a young soul, for sure :)

Cricket said...

I'm a young soul because God rests within me. I've been intrigued with the thought of what I will look like to those I meet in heaven? (Assuming God's mercy gets me there!) Those that knew me in this life will see me as what? Will Da Merrill see me as a little boy, or Dad as a young man? Will people I've touched see me as I was when I influenced their lives? Or will I look the same to all? I think the former. So, my soul is multi-faceted, inlaid with close moments I've had with God throughout my life.

Anonymous said...

I think I give the impression of being an old soul, but I think it just comes from my upbringing. When you're the youngest, you pick things up more quickly and start acting older than you are. In reality, I think I'm a 27-nearly-28-year-old soul :)

Paul said...

I've always felt like I have an old soul. I think that's mainly because I don't get along with people my own age...

Anonymous said...

I think you must be a slacker soul for not posting in almost a month! Get to it!

Ramsey Days said...

I agree with kitkat :)-- get on it Cath!

Have a great time visiting Laura- come visit me!!