
Shabby Chic - Chevron



I recently signed up for yoga classes at a local studio. This is something I have been wanting to do for years...ever since my first experience with kitkat...but it wasn't feasible as a college student to pay an extra $50+ per month for a membership somewhere. I am finally in a position, financially, to do this so I joined this studio thanks to my friend, Jennah. The yoga at this particular studio is based off of a practice developed by Baron Baptiste called Power Vinyasa Yoga. You can read all about it if you so desire.

The room is heated to 90 degrees and for 60 minutes, the instructor talks you through a series of poses and breathing, more poses and more breathing, high push-ups, low push-ups (which all have fancy names), up and downward facing dog, etc. Sometimes the instructor will come over to adjust my positioning, which usually involves my hips needing to be pulled up, and I'm starting to feel like I have heavy hips. They just kind of sink! So I'm trying to work on that. I finally got up into a bridge yesterday with the help of the teacher (LB, I haven't done one of these since 2nd grade gymnastics). While doing this, I felt my body open up---like I could breathe more freely. Pretty amazing.

I am loving these classes; they are intense but relaxing at the same time and it really gives me time completely for myself. What I love most is that yoga provides a living/breathing example of the fact that the only obstacle in my life is myself. If I feel uncertain or wobbly or in pain during a pose, it is because of me and no one else (if I feel anxious or unsure in life situations, it is because of me and my perspective). Sure, there are external factors that affect me, but it is my approach that can change these feelings. (I think I'm getting too philosophical)

There are moments when I can completely focus on balance and control of the movements with breath, and there are other times where my brain and my body aren't in sync, causing a lot of wobbling and shaking, and then thinking "When the hell are we going to get out of this pose?" :) It's like switching from left-brain to right-brain mode. Believe it or not, you sweat profusely during this fact, I've never sweat this much in my life during a work out. Can anyone remember the last time their shins sweat? :)


Anonymous said...

Hmm, does the sweating have anything to do with the 90 degree part? :)

Bearette ( is my blogger yogi. I really need to do yoga more, but I just can't seem to make myself do it. I don't want to spend the money on it right now either, but when I do it at home, it just isn't the same. I also found that outdoor yoga is much better for me mentally, but then I get distracted too easily. Maybe I'm just making excuses.

I'm really glad you're getting into it, though. You should start harping on Tracy to do it too (even though you only met once..hah). She always enjoyed when the two of us went, but she hasn't done it since.

c.a.b. said...

Haha, yes, the 90 degrees definitely contributes. I understand what you mean about doing it at home; I've tried following along with a DVD, but it isn't as invigorating as going to a class. I think in some ways you feed off of other people's energy.

I should harp on Tracy! Maybe I will.

Oh, and I was thinking about your sports bra saga and asked my friend what kind she buys (you guys have similar anatomy). She said to check out Champion (you probably already have) because they make one with adjustable velcro straps and...I forget all the other features. Anyways, just FYI. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip! I just did a quick search for Champion bras. I might have to check them out. I also suspect that I've been wearing the wrong bra size, so that might be affecting why my sports bras aren't doing the job.

I've been sticking to walking and swimming these day, which thankfully don't require much support.

Anonymous said...

My shins sweat every day because it is a Texauna here...

Glad you are enjoying yoga - I never got into it but also never tried. Everyone I know that has done it, loves it! I am a gym rat - hand me a mean set of barbells and an over enthusiastic spin instructor and I am in temporary bliss.