
Shabby Chic - Chevron


Explorations in Common Sense

The title of this post should be the name of a professional development workshop provided by Duval County for teachers needing just that...common sense. I often find that the frustrating things that happen with adults during the school day have much to do with lack of this much valued characteristic. As a joke, if someone would do something stupid, my mom would tap her index finger to her head and say "Kidneys!" That's what I felt like doing today to a co-worker, only my common sense stopped me from causing an argument. Or I could have said "Did you grow up in a mayonnaise jar?" as my high school history teacher said many a time. I won't get into the dumb details of the situation. So that's all.

On another note, school is going well (still!!). Hooray! I have my challenging classes, but overall it is a completely different experience from last year. Oh a whim, I came up with this little song and dance about line variety (zigzag, wavy, vertical, broken, horizontal, etc) for my 1st and 2nd graders. It involves some singing, clapping, and wiggling. The kids love it more than I thought they would. This is good news for me because they're having fun AND memorizing the names and directions of lines. Woot. When you're so focused on a high-structure classroom management plan, it is easy to forget that acting silly and nutty can be one of the best ways to engage everyone.

That's all for now.


Ramsey Days said...

Songs and dance are perfect for kids that age. Sarah comes home with very silly songs about rhyming, with sign language involved, colors, numbers, months of the year, etc.. and she LOVES to show me.

That is perfect!

Mayonnaise jar..that is hilarious!

Love you

Cricket said...

Acting silly and nutty is the only way I engage anybody! Love you thoughts on common sense. Seems those that have it expect everyone else to have it too. Stephanie is finding on her job w/Chick Fila that some people just don't get it! Makes me chuckle! - Uncle Steve

Pete Bauer said...

I tried dancing and wiggling during my last power point presentation. My sublime interpretation of standardized work process through interpretive movement was lost on most of the attendees... especially those attending via netmeeting.

Anonymous said...

It's funny how much our students have in common. My students prefer me to act silly too.

Okay, maybe I'm just having a real Wednesday here, but why does your mom say "kidneys"?

Anonymous said...

kitkat - You must know that our mom likes to reverse the position of human organs in the body and their function for her personal humor. So, in her mind, your kidneys are in your head, or maybe it is a reference to kidney beans. I think I just lost myself on that one.

Cath - I was laughing all through that post! The common sense to not provoke an argument, I believe, is one of the most important moments of judgement especially in a professional environment so good for you. I got away with dancing and wiggling while coaching the young kids in gymnastics and it was hilarious. They were always my favorite group to work with. I miss being able to be silly at work so enjoy it! And you're right, it is the best way to shake things up, break the ice or call everyone back to attention because it is FUN.


Anonymous said...

I was trying to make a logical connection between kidneys and stupidity. My mom used to call people "shit for brains," so I was thinking along those lines. Or "pea [pee] brain."

Your mom sounds pretty cool.