
Shabby Chic - Chevron



*I never finished this post but wanted to publish it anyways...this feels like forever ago.

Yesterday started my 3-day fruit cleanse for the 40 day program. This entails 3 days of eating nothing but fruit...avocado and tomato count as do fruit juices and tomato soup. This is day 2, and I have never been more thankful for tomato soup than I am at this moment. I don't even like tomato soup! And I never thought I'd say this, but I'm tired of eating things that are sweet. After this fruit cleanse is over, I can't see myself picking up a piece of chocolate or anything with a lot of sugar. I'm all sugar-ed out. This cleanse is also doing wonders to my digestive system...I'll leave that to your imagination. I feel good though...lighter, brighter, cleaner. It's interesting though, how much food affects you. So many times we just eat because we're bored (my vice) or upset or restless. Eating only fruit is making me realize how much food I DON'T need to eat and still feel nourished and be able to function. Yes, it is possible to do an hour and half yoga practice only on fruit :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

While I'm never a fan of anything that requires you to avoid proper nutrition, I like the idea that it has prevented you from wanting sweets. Maybe I'll try it since I have such a sweet tooth. Perhaps it'll cure me. Do you still feel that way about sweet foods now?