
Shabby Chic - Chevron


Scattered Post

Last week:
There are 13.5 days left of school. I couldn't be happier about this, especially after last week which was Fine Arts Week. While the week was very successful and fun for the students, there were many unnecessary head-butting incidents with adults which pushed me over the edge. So, I have a bitter taste in my mouth. I'm too tired to explain the week in its entirety but there are pictures on Facebook if you are interested in seeing the students doing Pollock painting, mosaics, and the final performance.

I am truly thankful for the people in my life in Jacksonville. I've come to know some really genuine, loyal people here who have become a second family, and I appreciate them with all of my heart.

This summer:
With Fine Arts Week behind me, I am ready to dive in to my goals for the summer which mainly involve heavily researching graduate schools and working on my porfolio. I'm going to apply again this fall so that I can hopefully get in for the Fall 2010 term.


Anonymous said...

I know I've said this already (100 times), but if your "research" leads you to CA or anywhere out west, let me know. You'll always have a place to stay with me also :)

Good luck and enjoy your summer!

c.a.b. said...

Thanks, kitkat. I really, truly appreciate that. I have a feeling I'll be heading west :)