
Shabby Chic - Chevron


What's in your car?

After spending an evening with my dear friend, Aubree, I walked back to my car in the Town Center parking lot. As I unlocked the door, I looked in my window and realized how much stuff I have in my front and back seats; it's not necessarily valuable stuff, but stuff nonetheless and stuff that can tell a complete stranger a lot about me. Yoga mat, FTCE Professional Educator Study Guide, Starbucks cup, dog toy, sunblock, and drawing books, are just a few items.

So I have to ask, what's in your car? What does it say about you?


Anonymous said...

Right now:

Notebook stuffed partially inside my group fitness textbook, a blanket, and a hoodie. I think it says that I don't like to keep a lot of stuff in my car :)

Pete Bauer said...

Well, since my car is relatively new, I don't have a lot in it. Trying to keep it clean. In the trunk, however, I have bathroom tile tools I'm returning to Uncle Charles and a six pack of Publix water.

Anonymous said...

Hmm...I don't have a lot in my car either. Some furniture books and a pair of flip flops!

WV: snuman (Like a snoman version of Newman from Seinfeld?)