
Shabby Chic - Chevron


A Call-back

Tomorrow morning, I have an interview @ Borders. Hey, it's a start. I haven't heard back from The Phillips Collection Museum which actually has disclaimer on the bottom of their application page that says,  
Due to the volume of applications received, we regret that we are unable to respond to individual inquiries regarding application status. Only candidates selected for interviews will be contacted. Really? No time frame for contacting potential candidates? No time frame for when the job-posting expires? Oh well.

The last job interview I had involved my future superior telling me that it would be unwise for him to place me in a high school teaching position because I looked like I'd date the students. There were many other inappropriate comments made, but I'd have to say that was one of the most difficult interviews to sit through. Here's hoping that tomorrow's is much more pleasant, especially because the manager who called me today said, "Just be sure to bring your witty sense of humor". Hmmm.

Memory of the day: As a kid, I fell off my bike more often than not. My knees are covered in oddly-shaped scars to prove it. 


Anonymous said...

I feel like I might be stalking your blog a bit today.

Congrats on the interview! I wanted to get hired at Borders during Christmas time, but I think I answered their weird, online questionnaire inappropriately. I can't imagine I just wasn't qualified. So, I hope you get the job if it's what you want. Hook me up with some cheap books too. My birthday's coming up.

c.a.b. said...

Meh, stalk schmalk :) I love your comments.

Haha! Yes, those darn online questionnaires. They always warn you that if you try to answer the way you think they want, they'll KNOW! Hmm, sounds like a threat. I read some of the questions aloud to Anthony and he seemed worried about how I was answering them. I thought honesty was a good thing! Oh well. We'll see how this goes. Total book hook-up!