Group work can also be helpful for intensifying the light of your presence. A group of people coming together in a state of presence generates a collective energy field of great intensity. It not only raises the degree of presence of each member of the group but also helps to free the collective human consciousness from its current state of mind dominance. This will make the state of presence increasingly more accessible to individuals...
He goes on to explain that even though the group is powerful, one shouldn't become dependent upon the group or on a "master" teacher for this connection; for you are then identifying with form from without vs. true presence within. This makes perfect, intellectual sense to me. But I still prefer practicing with a group to going through a flow on my own because it's more enjoyable, energizing, juicy. It's harder (or I make it harder) for me to stay focused, be in my body instead of my mind, stay accountable, etc. when it's just me. Why is that? This is something worth exploring. Too often, I use the lack of power of the group as an excuse as to why I'm not doing something be it yoga or painting, to name a couple. I'm noticing where else this shows up in my life; while it's okay to want to be around others during these activities, I don't want to use it as a crutch. Hmm...
I agree that group energy is something very special. For me, it's not important that I can do something alone if the group gives me what I need from the experience. But relying on a iparticular group or person, as you said, can get me into trouble because the only constant in my life is me. Plus, isn't it a great gift to carry what you've learned from one group into another? To take what you learn from a master and teach others? For me, that's why it's important to embody, not just copy, the qualities of the group energy.
DK, totally! I especially feel your comment about the only constant being yourself which, as you said, is why it's so important to truly embody what is learned. Right now, I want to share the shine of yoga...carry on what I'm learning in teacher-training.
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