
Shabby Chic - Chevron



I'm welcoming myself back to Blogger after a month-long hiatus during which Anthony and I made a trip to Florida, had our wedding ceremony, and cruised to the Western Caribbean. All went well, and while I could go on and on about those events in more detail, that's not where my brain is right now. However, if I had to pick one thing to highlight from those events, it would be that Anthony and I were able to truly reconnect. Being out of our regular environment and away from cell phones, internet, etc. offered us some space and time to just be together. For that, I continue to be thankful. 

Speaking of re-connecting, it's great to be back and practicing yoga consistently. While it felt great to be "unplugged" from the world, it felt odd being away from the community at DMY, especially after spending a six-month weekend-intensive teacher training there. Some of us are continuing our training through a mentorship program which offers us an opportunity to dig deeper, to be more specific about our individual teaching styles and see where growth is possible. We have met twice so far, and I feel like I'm learning in leaps and bounds vs. baby steps (not that one is better than the other, but it's just different). But I think much of this has to do with being open and taking action: I was open to learning in teacher training, but the whole "taking action" part was something I did cautiously. I'm learning to just get out of my own way, and it's pretty nifty :) I'm excited to see how this shows up in other parts of my life, like painting and writing.

Ok. Time for bed.  


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was open to learning in teacher training, but the whole "taking action" part was something I did cautiously.

Definitely sounds like me with screenwriting. I'm absorbing it all, but I still hesitate to go and do.

I'm happy to hear about the positive influence the cruise had on you (two), especially in regards to technology.