
Shabby Chic - Chevron


New Developments...

I received my first rejection e-mail (sad I cannot even say "rejection letter") for graduate school: it was from UF.

I had a phone interview with UNCG a week ago, and I am not sure if it went well or not. It was difficult for me to gauge what they were looking for in my answers. I was asked a type of question which I have hated ever since reading comprehension dittos in 2nd grade. After they asked me to describe my work, and after mentioning Philip Guston as an influence, the professor questioned, "What would Guston think about you referencing his work?" This type of question peeves me because I don't flippin' know (how could anyone unless you ask that person). I felt like she was implying that I had copied Guston's work, which prompted me to answer the question by telling her that I had been inspired by his paint application, brushwork, composition, etc. I just think that often times, we presuppose an artist's (musician's, actor's, author's) intention based on what we know of the person and his/her life. This is all well and good, but I know that for myself, more than half the time, I do not have a specific feeling or intention or thought behind a work of art. It just happens.

Enough about that.

I just finished reading Atonement by Ian McEwan. This is the first time in a long time that I have a) read a novel and b) seen the movie before reading the book, and then been compelled by the movie to read the novel. I enjoyed the details of the characters provided by the book. For the most part, the movie adheres to the storyline in the book, which is rare. Because I experienced the story in "movie before book" order, it is difficult for me to decide if I truly liked the author's writing style, since I already knew what was to happen.

Send me some positive vibes. There are about 2 months left of school.


Anonymous said...

Positive vibes coming your way...feel anything yet? How about now? I know, I know, that's what Dad would say.

p.s. - I was sitting in the Whole Foods in SoHo yesterday eating lunch at 3 p.m. Remember when we dove in there during the snow storm last year? Anyway, Wilson Philips was playing - hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Sending good vibes!

I hate interviews, period. I hate the questions I've been asked in the past because rarely do they get to the heart of who I am and what I'm capable of. Instead, I'm left guessing at the "right" answers to the questions. Thankfully, I'm good at guessing, but I think employers would do well to ask about things they couldn't glean from the resume.

Ramsey Days said...