
Shabby Chic - Chevron



I'm spending a few days visiting my parents before heading up to Hernando for April's wedding events this weekend. It's nice to be home and it's nice to be at a point in my life where I relate to my mom and dad not only as "parents" but also as people/friends/lifelong companions. I've felt this way about my relationship with my parents for a few years now, but the excitement of this aspect of our relationship never ceases to be refreshing. And I am exceedingly thankful. I spend most of the day-time with my mom (the morning person) and most of the evening/late night with my dad (Mr. John-Bauer-time. Go here if you want more info on JB time).

Yesterday, Mom and I spent hours sipping coffee and mulling over the woes of the education system (or issues at our respective schools), coming up with solutions, and laughing about some of the bullshit that occurs. We didn't change the problems of the world, but it felt good to get it all out on the table. I spent another 2 hrs. picking her brain over classroom procedures for my students this coming year. I have faith that my new plans will work, but sometimes I start to worry about this coming year...I cannot have a repeat of last year, student-behavior-wise, for their sake and for mine. I am hoping that having one year of teaching under my belt will make me more prepared. I suppose I need to tell the Capricorn in me to shut-up when it comes to expecting absolute perfection, especially in a classroom of 20+ students. Don't get me wrong, I expect great things and strive for that, but everything won't be wonderful all the time.

Anyways, that's it for now.

ps-does anyone understand the "Q" in "SRQ"? There are no areas in Sarasota County that start with a Q.


Anonymous said...

I take it SRQ is the airport code? I don't have an answer for you. Riddle me this, Batman: Kansas City International airport is MCI. M might stand for Missouri (Kansas City, MO), but then where does the C come in?

I agree that being an adult and having an adult relationship with parents is refreshing.

Ramsey Days said...

Not sure about that Q! Hey, I am going to email you a youtube link of the kids singing to Laura..brian is blowing the bubbles, it is hilarious!

Anonymous said...

I think SRQ stands for Sarasota Quay. That is, when the Quay used to be the center of the universe for Sarasota. A couple of years ago it was a demolished massive mountain of rubble and now, who knows what will replace it? (I bet Dad knows).