
Shabby Chic - Chevron



Fay + first week of school = 2 days of school, 3 days off, and some heavy wind and rain.

As my dad said, "I've seen thunderstorms worse than this!", and as Lt. Dan says on Forest Gump, "You call this a storm?!?!" I must admit that I am happy about the 3 days off this week. I spent so much time during pre-planning making my room look presentable (not to toot my own horn, but my room looks pretty awesome this year) and helping with other things around the school that my actual lesson planning suffered. This gives me the time I need to really get it organized. On the other hand, I have yet to see my students. Resource was supposed to begin on Wednesday. I had all this excited/nervous energy built up for that day and then poof, it's gone. I'm sure it'll all come back on Monday.

I'm at a loss over what else to write about....being in the house so much over the past three days has made my brain like jelly. I'm resorting to a "Likes" and "Dislikes" list...

-birthday cake flavored ice cream with multi-colored sprinkles
-objects that are oversized (like jumbo clothespins, paperclips, or calculators. I know, it's weird).
-the color green
-this artist's work
-staying up late and sleeping in
-journals without lines

-rude retail workers
-Hummers (and possibly the people who drive them)
-the sound of plastic bags rustling
-Cameron Diaz
-gloomy weather (I don't know how you northerners do it)


Anonymous said...

I think it's gloomier in Florida. Case in point: I haven't been rained in for several days. And you're supposed to stay inside in the winter time, so I'm okay with the gloom that time of year.

The goldendoodle is the cutest thing I've ever seen! My goodness.

You and I both will the excited/nervous energy going on Sunday night :) I still have yet to plan one of my classes, but at least I have the other one covered.

c.a.b. said...

Isn't the goldendoodle cute?! I'm hoping to get one within the next few months.

I wish you luck with your first days of classes. You're a pro! How long have you been doing this?

Anonymous said...

Fay shmay.

Fried okra is gooooood. Maybe you have to live in the "South" to be brainwashed into that one.

Have a great day tomorrow! Love u

Ramsey Days said...

I think that dog is the one brian was trying to explain to me yesterday--i'll need to ask!

miss you;)