
Shabby Chic - Chevron


Ball o' Stress

I suppose it all started with the dream I had last night. In it, I was attending my yoga class (which I haven't been to for 2 weeks); because I got there early, I laid out my mat and towel to save my spot. I walked out of the studio for about 5 minutes to take care of some registration issue/payment, and upon returning, there was some man using my mat and towel. Now, if you've ever done power vinyasa yoga, you know that you sweat profusely. Sharing a mat is not really an option. I explained to this imposter that he was using my mat and that he needed to move somewhere else. He had already sweat several puddles on my mat and the surrounding floor area. He refused to move and responded with a juvenile, "Well, you weren't here. YOU find another place". Argh! But this was MY STUFF! I kept on about it but he continued to refuse to move and instead just laid down so that there was no way I could move my mat. I remember feeling extremely aggravated and annoyed in my dream. I was baffled as to how this grown person was acting so childish and inconsiderate. How dare he invade not only my personal space/posessions, but also the one thing that I truly felt was mine: practicing yoga. I also remember not wanting to cause a scene.

And today was my first day of classes with my students. I have a killer schedule...and I don't mean "killer" like "awesome", I mean killer like "deadly":) Between 8:45am and 1:25pm, I see 6 different classes non-stop, give or take a 5 minute break in between. Lunch isn't until 1:25, and then I have 1st grade at the end of the day. As the chairperson of the scheduling committee, I am responsible, mostly, for the resource schedule this year. But I don't recall it being that loony. I don't recall NOT having planning time at all. I'm wondering where/when the change occurred. Alas, I am not the administration and they have the final say on what goes and what doesn't. I am truly hoping that I will adjust. It does make the day fly, though.

Though today went well with my students, I have to say I'm feeling a little down. And I can't put my finger on "why" exactly. Maybe it's because I've spent all summer being hyped-up about how great this year will be and then I was incredibly nervous today. Maybe it's because I've set really high expectations for myself and my students and am putting the pressure on too strong. Maybe it's because the new vice principal makes me really uneasy. Or maybe it's because some doofus is using my yoga mat without permission and sweating all over it.

Whatever the reason, please send me some uplifting vibes. Lord knows, I need 'em.


Ramsey Days said...

I am certain the days following will get better :)

Sarah has you beat on lunch..she doesnt eat til 1:33!!!!!!!!! Yeah, Kindergarten has last lunch, why? B/C they mess up the lunch room the most! Seriously. That is what I was told.

SO...they have TWO snacks a day. One snack they get at 11:00 on the playground, then the other snack is sent in by each parent for their child, and they eat in the hallway--basically a minilunch!

c.a.b. said...

You were right. Tuesday was flippin' AWESOME! I'm feeling better already. Today was good too.

I've always wondered why they make Kindergarten eat so late in the day, but that reason makes sense. It seems kind of silly, though. I'm glad they get snacks!

Anonymous said...

Cath - I know who the dude using your yoga mat is...

I know you have set high expectations for this year and believe you will achieve whatever it is that you have set out to do. Just remember that many times, the path to the achievement may not be exactly as you planned.

Love u!