
Shabby Chic - Chevron



I got to work an hour late yesterday because I slept through/turned off all three alarms without getting up. I'm not a morning person---never have been---and if I don't get my shower-time in (which helps me wake up), I feel like a zombie (literally) ALL day. And then I have to hear people say, "Man, you look tired!" which annoys me to high heaven. It's like someone telling you that you look sick :P Anyways, I blame part of this over-sleeping on attending the hour and a half yoga class Monday night, and the group session directly after. I didn't get home until 10pm, and didn't get into bed until midnight. My body decided I needed a full 8 hours, so I guess I can't argue with that.

So I have 1 week of the 40-day program under my belt, and it feels wonderful. I've become aware of a lot of things in that short period of time, so I can only imagine what the next few weeks will bring to the surface. There are these excavation questions we have to answer which correspond to the meditation theme for the week. Actually putting a pen to paper and writing down the answers was awakening; we think we know ourselves, but so much gets lost in translation when those thoughts are left to just float around in our heads. When "forced" to move your thoughts from the abstract to the concrete, it becomes clear...or clearer.

Overall, I feel myself making a return to emotion. What I mean is that I've spent the past several months somewhat numb, mostly due to the end of a 5yr. relationship; those last few months in the relationship were particularly draining to the point of emotional exhaustion. So I gave up on emotions for a while, which denied the sensitive part of who I am. I'm noticing that I'm not as afraid to feel the good, bad, and the ugly. At the same time though, I notice myself being very sensitive to other people and their life situations/emotions. I have a tendency to take responsibility for others emotions, so I'm working on a balance.

I must admit, I'm not quite as excited this week as I was last week....not as easily motivated. I'm determined and happy to push through it, though.

As we say at the end of class, Namaste.

More on my meditation struggles later...


Anonymous said...

I'd love to hear these excavation questions.

Some people just aren't morning people. I used to think that was just an excuse, but I've come to realize that it's no different than any other body preference (I prefer to be on land: no boats, planes, etc.). I also read an article in one of my magazines recently where the author said that we've been taught to think that sleeping is bad and if you sleep late you must be lazy. So not true. My boss in the writing center won't come into the office until 10:30 at the earliest.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that you're enjoying the yogathon. I'm sure it is exhausting but it sounds like it's acting as a better tool than anticipated. Nothing like getting your money's worth! ;) You know how I feel about sleep. If you need it, take it and feel renewed. Love you to pieces!

WV: denesp A yoga move, perhaps? "Nothing! Good night!"

hiro pro said...

I just read your profile on the 40 day blog and busted out laughing. "Rabbit to the Jugular" for your finishing move. Brilliant. Thanks for that, I'm feeling even better now. So I had to follow your link.

I'll try to figure out who you are at the 40 day meeting. If you'd like to end the mystery search, don't hesitate to introduce yourself. I'm the guy who always wears glasses and a bandana during yoga practice. I can also be found tipping over in almost every balance pose. 'Till then, "Always look on the bright side of life"
Jeff McYogafan (hiro pro)

Pete Bauer said...

You know, putting your thoughts on paper is much different than just thinking about it.

I did an exercise once where you wrote a page that explained everything you are. You then converted that into a paragraph. Then to a sentence. And then, at the end, what you would put on a business card (one or two words). Mine ended up being Pete Bauer - Writer/Director.

That's who I think I am. Everything else I do is filler.

It's a very "all about you exercise" but good to do... who you are as an individual, not a spouse, friend, etc.

Anonymous said...

So, still sleeping?

Pete Bauer said...

I miss your blog entries.