
Shabby Chic - Chevron


Disappointment + Decisions

I'm disappointed in myself for not posting in over a month. To sum up, the 40-day program was phenomenal and yoga has become a part of my routine. I feel weird without it. What do they say? It takes 21 days to create a habit? If I'm able to do yoga 6 days/week for approx. 6 weeks, then I feel that I'm able to do just about anything regarding exercise. I wish I had documented my progress throughout the program, but I didn't. I'm sure it'll come out in pieces here and there.

I'm also disappointed in the fact that I gained weight from doing that program. Though it wasn't my intention to lose weight, it also wasn't my intention to gain. My only conclusion is that the weight-gain is due to muscle (which is great). But still, it's no fun waking up one morning only to learn that more than half of your pants don't fit anymore. My Bauer-butt has increased in size (or so it seems). For those of you who don't know, the Bauer-butt is a term my sisters and cousins have created to describe our butts. Finding a pair of pants that fit can be taxing. What usually happens is that pants will fit everywhere but the waist, which just kinda sticks out because our butts fill in the back but our waists are small. ::sigh::

Now to the most pressing issue: work. Once again, the security of my position for next year is up in the air. For the 09-10 school year, art has been cut from 5 days to 4 at S.P. So, if I retained my position there, that would mean 4 days at S.P. and 1 day at another school. That's a big IF, though. DCPS has called for a 30% reduction in art teachers at the elementary level; this amounts to 26-28 teaching positions. This means that seniority comes into play, and because I only have 2 yrs. in the system, I am @ the top of the list for being surplussed or terminated. Overall, I'm just happy that there will still be art at my school, whether or not I'm the teacher. It is, however, discouraging; I feel that I've laid a really good foundation this year in my 2nd round of teaching, and to think that I wouldn't be able to build further upon that f-in blows....not to mention all the connections and relationships I've made with the Cummer Museum, the Weaver program, the Chartrand Foundation, etc., and all that they have contributed to the arts at our school.

After being pissed off, sad, and all of those productive things, I decided to just do my job to the best of my ability for the remainder of the year because I am still employed, thankfully. I've decided not to worry about next year because it doesn't exist yet. In the meantime, I'm making a mental list of what I will/could do if teaching is not in the cards for me after this year. I must admit that I get excited when i think about these options:

-move to the area where I'd like to attend grad school and start taking post-bacc. classes.
-apply to graduate school (I have my eye on New Mexico & Arizona)
-move overseas and teach English (Hello, Japan!)
-work for Cathedral Arts Project and paint and exhibit more
-apply for a paid internship at the MOMA in NYC

If I do lose my job, I know that I don't want to work for the public school system ever again...not in Florida, anyways. It is one of the most corrupt institutions I have ever experienced, and I do not want to be a part of that system. I've decided that FCAT will be and is the demise of public education in our state. Teachers are encouraged to "teach to the test"; if a grade level isn't going to be tested in science, then those teachers are not supposed to "waste time" teaching science. I think 3rd grade isn't tested in writing, so teachers are told not to have writing instruction.

Anyways, I suppose that's enough for a new post....


Anonymous said...

I'll swap your Bauer butt for mine if you want. That is, no butt at all. I'm all waist!

NM or AZ would be great! I've been wanting to visit those places lately. There's something mysterious and foreign about the Southwest it seems.

Ramsey Days said...

Interested in seeing what ends up happening with your job...either way, I think you have it figured out what you will do...just keep your chin up!

Sarah loves her art does the entire school. I eat lunch with her during the week sometimes and if the art teacher walks thru the door of the cafeteria, the ENTIRE lunch room stands up, waves and claps...they LOOOOVE him.

Tonight they are having an art show at the school displaying a piece of art from each kid K - 5th grade. Sarah cant wait to show me her "Mom and Me" drawing! I'll take a pic and send it to you.

Love you

hope McMath said...

I think you are amazing and totally hate the idea of you not being at SP. Your impact on your students is profound and you are exactly what those kids need. The schools need more teachers like you. Regardless, I know you are going to do great things wherever you are and whatever you are doing. You are the shining star in our school partnership and a model of how things should be. I am crossing my fingers and will do whatever I can, which is not much, to fight for you.

Hang in happy...keep making a difference and know that I, and MANY others, appreciate you.


c.a.b. said...

kitkat-let's swap when I see you in a couple of weeks :) I agree: there is something very mysterious about the Southwest. I'm drawn to it and I've never even been there before...maybe I'm being naive.

ramsey days-I love that Sarah loves her art teacher. Please send me a picture of that drawing when you get a chance.

hope-Thank you so much for your encouragement and kind words. I truly value your opinion as well as all that you do to make the arts an accessible part of Jacksonville through the Cummer. Your energy is contagious :)

I'm hoping for the best for next year with my job, but regardless of what happens, I want those kids to still have art at their fingertips. It's so obvious that they need it in their lives because it is a part of who they are.

I appreciate YOU :) I hope the spring break camp is going well!

Ramsey Days said...

i took a picture of her art for you..i'll download in a bit and email you.

Anonymous said...

Boo ya. I think that your list of alternatives is pretty excited when weighed against the doom and gloom of your potential job situation. We shall see what happens. Arizona is beautiful and I hear the same about New Mexico...I want to go!

Keep the adrenaline running for those kids and yourself. Your relationships will take you far, even if you move away - they will be great references for you. Reach for the stars.

Love you

WV: clortso