
Shabby Chic - Chevron



I've decided to make a schedule for the summer so that I don't sleep it away (very tempting).

Main Goals:
-create a solid portfolio for this fall's grad school application & work on my artist's statement
-yoga at least every other day
-continue and complete the P90X program (Uncle Pete, "I hate it, but I love it!)
-start training for a 5K
-re-visit some art criticism texts and critique some art shows
-travel somewhere (be it a day trip or longer)
-brainstorm ideas for the '09-'10 school year
*create assessments for each grade level
-take advantage of free Cummer admission to draw in the gardens/galleries
-learn new recipes & eat less crap

Daily routine should include:
-exercise (part of this needs to include Sam)
-sketching (from observation in public)
-writing (journaling, blogging, or whatever)
-cooking (I need to eat out less)
-drinking lots of water

There. It's in writing. Now I have to follow through.


Anonymous said...

If you're anything like me (heh heh), you should print this list and stick it somewhere you always look. How many lists have I made on blog?? I hardly ever complete them. Online lists have a way of being out of sight, out of mind.

Last summer I made a paper list of weekly chores (I wasn't working, so I wanted to be sure I was earning my keep). I had it on the refrigerator, and I'd make the lists a few weeks at a time to avoid the temptation of stopping. Each week I knew what needed to be done, and I had that good feeling of crossing things off each week even if they were mostly the same things each week (vacuuming, sweeping). I recommend something similar for you, depending on how often you'd like to get your "chores" done.

Oh! I also keep a planner, and in it, I'll write down my schedule even if it's the same thing every day. It helps me realize how much I am doing, even if it doesn't seem like much at the time.

Why are my comments on your blog always so long?

Anonymous said...

Good for you Cath!