
Shabby Chic - Chevron


Anthony's Restaurant

I pass 309 W. Broad Street on my way to yoga everyday. Located here is a place called Anthony's Restaurant. Yes, the name reminds me of my husband and the fact that they serve Italian food helps as well; but this place is packed every evening, which is normally a good sign. It looks like a little mom-and-pops type of place, and once Anthony gets home, we are checkin' it out! Maybe they'll give us a discount...probably not. 

To the left is page 2 of their menu (I like the little graphics). If you want to see their complete menu, go here.

Unfortunately, I don't see chicken alfredo on this menu, and that's one of Anthony's favorite meals. He's not crazy about tomatoes, tomato sauce, cheeses, olives, and many other Italian-esque things, yet he calls himself Italian :) I'm not a huge fan of alfredo sauce, but one of my favorite memories of Anthony revolves around that meal. During one of his first times eating with my family, he made my parents shrimp alfredo for dinner. He finished it off with cherry pie (my dad's favorite) and a scoop of ice cream. So sweet (Anthony, not the pie). No one had ever cooked dinner for my parents before; needless to say, I was wooed.

So, Anthony, be prepared to eat at this place when you return! Besides, I'm tired of driving by and smelling the yummy-ness without trying it.

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