
Shabby Chic - Chevron



I just returned from a long walk with Sam. Fall is starting to show her face little by little. There are clusters of crunchy, brown leaves on the ground, and the weather is cooler. Sam thinks every tumbling leaf is something to be pounced upon. The experience of going through seasons is foreign to me; I'm looking forward to watching the earth change (and the cooler air), but I think after a week or two, I'll want the warmth back (right, Anthony?). By the time Anthony gets back, we'll be in the dead of winter; and after being in 100(+) degree weather for 6 months, I'm sure he'll appreciate the change (eh-hem, right, Anthony?). I have a feeling we'll balance each other out.

I'm trying to make a point to take my camera with me on a regular basis so that as I see things or places or whatever, I'm able to record and share. Here are a couple of shots from the same viewpoint on the bridge that leads to the trails.
 There were so many reflections of light happening simultaneously, and it created these interesting segments and lines in the light reflecting off of the water. It's a little hard to see here since you can also see the reflection of the trees.

In yoga, they say that with a still mind, you are able to reflect on the truth within much like when a body of water has stillness, it reflects its surroundings. Coming upon this on our walk today reminded me of that.  

Yoga teacher-training is this weekend (Friday, Saturday, Sunday). It's good, but I'm tired :) I cannot wait for Anthony to get home and come to the studio with me to practice. I think it will be such an amazing thing to share together. He seems to be a little worried about "doing it wrong", but as Kristyn says, "It's yoga practice, not yoga perfect." Silly but true. I needed that reminder today.

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