
Shabby Chic - Chevron



Sam seems to like the new art table as much as I do.

Saturday was my last day at a job I started as a summer-hire. At that time, it was my intention to serve my allotted term in that position and then move on. However, I stayed past my end-date for many reasons, but none of those reasons included a true desire to really grow in banking. While I could see myself doing well in banking, particularly as a relationship banker, I lacked the true motivation for it.

I feel, a little bit, like I'm at a standstill. What I mean is, up until this point, I've had a pretty good idea about what I want to be doing when it comes to work. Through the process of yoga teacher training and leaving my most recent job, I've realized that there are two things I know for sure: 1. I love helping people, and 2. I love creating. Right now, I feel like I don't know anything beyond those two things. The question, "What do I really want to do?" remains open-ended.

I decided to stop making excuses around most of my art stuff being in Florida (by stuff I mean art table, easel, etc.) and bought a table and stool to set up for painting. 2 minutes after setting that up, Sam went and laid down beneath it :) I think that's a good sign.

I know I'd like to explore doing postcard-sized art; I'm not entirely sure why, but that idea has been with me for some time now. I also have a couple of projects to work on for Anthony before he gets home (39days!), but I can't write about it yet as it would ruin the surprise.

"Sammy's so confused, he doesn't know whether to scratch his watch or wind his butt."-Steel Magnolias 


April Bacon said...

Come to NY and do Yoga with me, Catherine, and we can talk about life & the future & art.

Pretty please?


Anonymous said...

I'm really curious about the postcard-sized art you mentioned. It sounds very accessible. I'm excited about your new creative space.