
Shabby Chic - Chevron


Photos from Holmes Run Trail

 This is the first time I've experienced a northern autumn. The trees' leaves actually change colors with shocks of oranges, reds, golden yellows, and browns. It seems to happen overnight, but it takes all year. While the colors and changes are very beautiful, I miss Florida's faux fall as it is very simple---it's either green or brown outside, or maybe a little taste of both.

In many ways with fall up here, there is so much drama: the colors, the leaves falling, the raking, county-wide leaf collection dates, more leaves dropping, more raking, more leaf vacuuming (yes, they actually do leaf collection via vacuum). The most joy I get from this time of year (so far) is Sam's reaction to the leaves being swept along by the wind. Every moving leaf is a toy to her, and the minute she has her paws on one leaf, she moves on to the next. Oh, and she likes to eat them too. So I have my personal leaf vacuum to clean the patio deck.

Despite the drama, I can't deny its beauty or its concrete reminder of the passage of time, the need to shed and made room for new growth. Anthony and I run these trails together, but by the time he gets home, all the crunchy leaves will be replaced by slushy snow.    

 How do you feel about fall?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One day while living in NY, I remember going to work in the morning and taking note of the colors of the trees. On the way home, leaves that had been yellow were already starting to turn red. It really does happen so quickly and dramatically, almost to the point that I feel a certain level of desperation. No, winter can't come yet! I'm not ready! At the same time, fall is so full of appreciation. Summer is all about bounty, but fall is about realizing how precious certain things are because they're not going to last.