
Shabby Chic - Chevron


Toppers & Billy Blanks

My top 3 for the week...

1. One 2nd grade student got angry at another, so he sliced her in the lip with scissors.

2. I called the office to remove a 1st grade student who was saying profane things and being disruptive, and they never sent anyone to get him.

3. Today, I submitted 5 entries to the Museum of Contemporary Art Jacksonville for the First Coast Educator's Exhibition. Being able to show at MOCA-J would be amazing!!

oh, and I guess I'll add one more...a positive one.

4. Two of my 3rd graders came in yesterday and this morning to ask if they could have hugs.

I would like to give a shout out to Billy Blanks for creating the masterpiece that is Taebo. I can't say that I have ever tried Taebo. However, if it weren't for the VHS tape of his routine, my Wednesday afternoon would have been hellish. Every other Wednesday, we have what's called WOW which is an acronym for Wild on Wednesday (I hope you're laughing at this atrocity). During WOW, certain grade level teachers have professional development sessions, and it is the resource teachers' job to basically watch the grade level teachers' students for 2 hours. Wild on Wednesday for resource classes, I guess. Anyways, our amazingly wonderful P.E. coach gave Ms. K, Ms. S. and I a break by keeping all the kids in the multi-purpose room. He rolled out the big screen T.V. and put in a Taebo routine for the kids to do. I couldn't help but laugh as the routine went on and the kids started getting tired. They have so much energy to burn, especially because they don't have recess. And I must say that is the first time I have seen that many students not only in one room together, but actually cooperating and having fun without fighting. So, thank you Billy Blanks...and Coach S of course for the stellar idea.

More tomorrow...happy Friday to all :)

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