
Shabby Chic - Chevron


"Saddle up, partner"

Since school let out, I haven't been keeping myself to any particular schedule (other than sleeping in). Back in May, I was pondering my plans for the summer which included ambitious things like, "I'll get a part time job waiting tables or something so that I can a) keep myself busy/productive and b) make some extra money." I am unashamed to say that I did no such thing and have been content with awaking when I feel like it, sitting on the beach, painting, and reading. Sometimes I feel juvenile: I am an adult who still gets a 2 month summer vacation. But then I remember how insane teaching can be, and I get over it. Speaking of teaching, in the end, I decided to stay at my current school for reasons to be explained in another post.

On Tuesday, I returned from visiting my sister, Laura, in Austin, TX. It's true, I thought Austin would be flat and desert-ish with some tumbleweeds blowing across the parched land. I can't say I would have minded finding some cow skull on the side of the road and bringing it home to set up a still-life (can you get through airport security with a cow skull?). It turns out Austin is none of these things as it is full of rolling hills, greenery, lakes, and a thriving downtown area...not to mention limestone which is frickin' EVERYWHERE. One of the things I loved most about the city is its dedication to local businesses, especially when it comes to restaurants. It was refreshing to not see Applebees, Chilis, Olive Garden, Carabbas, Moe's, Panera, etc. Instead, it's very authentic and yummy. And I've never seen so many young couples + babies in one place. I'm certain I will go back many times. It was a fabulous visit thanks to Laura.

My journey home involved a connecting flight from Raleigh to Jax, and after being stuck in the Raleigh airport for 6hrs. and 30 minutes, I can honestly say that it is the most boring airport I have ever been to...or rather, stuck in. There's nothing except TVs that blare CNN's news which is completely sensationalized and ridiculous.

Example: They were talking about the recent salmonella outbreak with tomatoes and peppers, raving that the FDA has "NO idea where the problem is coming from". The headline on the screen said, in big bold letters, "FDA FAILS YOU!!!" This made me laugh. Oh, Vee, where are you when we need you?

What was supposed to be a 2hr. layover kept increasing to a 3, 4, 5, and 6+ hr. layover for God only knows what reason. Thankfully, I did make it back to Jax that night around midnight.

I'm back on the blog train, so more to come. Kitkat, thanks for the virtual kick.


Anonymous said...

I only did it because you asked me to...

I'm curious about the job situation. I hope that post comes soon.

No harm in catching up on reading, sleeping, and painting. I found out last week that my summer class was cancelled, so I have the next 6 weeks off. I've been swimming at the recently-discovered (the same way Columbus discovered America) free pool a lot, which is about as much productivity I can manage.

CNN is pretty bad (although their bias is much more my style than Faux News), although I'm still totally in love with Anderson Cooper.

Cricket said...

Gee, can't you drive from Raleigh to Jacksonville in less than 6 1/2 hours? I think so. Heck, your Dad and I did it in 1 1/2 days on bicycle!...back when we where under the influence of the 'stupid' medication we had taken.

Glad you had a great time in Austin, TX. Made a dive trip there when living in Fort Worth. Had a great time too! Uncle Steve

Anonymous said...

Thank God you are posting again. What adult has a 2 month summer vacation and does not keep up with their blog? You slacker. Muah ha ha...

Love you and welcome back to blogdom.