
Shabby Chic - Chevron


First Full Week = Success

I don't have much to report other than the fact that this week has, overall, gone amazingly well at school. I hit a couple rough spots, but I am really optimistic about the students' behavior this year. So far, I've been able to start out firm which is something I didn't do last year.

And my sister, Laura, is coming to visit her friend in Jacksonville this weekend, but we will get to spend some time together. I can't wait to pick her up from the airport!!!

Top 3 for the week:
1. I asked my kindergarteners what an artist's job is. One little girl said, "They make sculptures!" which totally blew me away.

2. As I was leaving work last night, a co-worker needed her car jump-started. Thankfully, I had just dealt with my battery needing jumped so I was able to help her promptly. I suppose things do happen for a reason.

3. My cousin, Katie, sent me a picture of her son, Luke, holding an over-sized clothespin after my previous "Unspectacular Quirks" post. Katie, that made my flippin' day :)


Ramsey Days said...

Did you find any at Target? I only saw ONE left when I went back!!

Hope you had fun with Laura.

Sarah LOVES her art teacher. She talks about him all the time. Now she is drawing self portraits of herself...totally different from how she has drawn in the past. I asked her why she is doing things another way and she said "This is how we do it in art class!" They have art every 6 days or so, and she looks forward to that day.

c.a.b. said...

Actually, I found a bunch this evening at Target! I guess they aren't as popular in Florida :)

I am so happy that Sarah loves her art teacher. It'll be interesting to see how her art changes even more over the next few weeks, months, years. She's blessed to have such great, encouraging parents.