
Shabby Chic - Chevron


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I feel obligated to fulfill the duties tagged upon me by kitkat, so here goes. I'm not sure all of these would be considered "quirky".

6 Unspectacular Quirks:

1. I still wear my post-braces retainer from the 10th grade. No, it is not the same exact retainer, but he point is that I still wear one every night. It makesth me feel vewy foolisth sthometimesth.

2. I have a thing for over-sized, everyday objects. I think it all started with being exposed to Claes Oldenburg's sculptures. They're so cheesy, but I love them. I currently want some over-sized clothespins for my classroom.

3. The only time I comb my hair is when I'm in the shower. Why brush curly hair when you don't have to? Well, maybe other people think it needs brushed. Oh well.

4. I am awful at maintaining CDs. They are horribly scratched because I just don't care enough to put them away. Even if I buy a new CD and vow to myself that I will keep it in perfect condition, it normally ends up in the pile of CDs in my middle console.

5. I still use my fingers to count while adding and subtracting.

6. I'm anal about how dishes are placed in the dishwasher or in my case, the drying rack. If someone did it "wrong", I will re-organize it by size, shape, color, whatever.

LB, RamseyDays, SurvivinginSafetyHarbor, FamilyLifewithElevenKids!,'s your turn.

Here are the directions:
1. Link the person who tagged you
2. Mention the rules on your blog
3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
4. Tag 6 following bloggers by linking them & leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they have been tagged.


Ramsey Days said...

Luke and I found some oversized clothespins in the $1 bins at Target this morning, right after I read your blog. I took a picture of him w/ my phone..holding them, and then realized your # wasn't in my phone!!! WHY?

Anyways, I was going to send it to you :(

c.a.b. said...

Awww :) That's funny you found 'em after reading the post! I'll have to see if my Target has any. I'm emailing you my phone number. You must send that picture if you still have it saved. LOVE YOU, MISS YOU!

Anonymous said...

Good for you for wearing your retainer. I stopped wearing mine and now my bottom teeth are all messed up.

Anonymous said...

I always wondered about the retainer thing with you but never asked. According to kitkat, it's a good thing to keep up with!

Oversized objects are funny - I have seen his apple core sculpture before and never knew who the sculptor was.

Ditto with the dishwasher!