
Shabby Chic - Chevron


*Part 2

*This is an old post I forgot to submit...

Next week begins the new resource schedule. This means I will be seeing the other half of the school who, up until now, have been attending music and p.e. rather than art and media. And up until now, I haven't been excited about the switch-0ver, but now I feel ready. In some ways, it'll be like starting a new year: I'll be able to re-establish rituals and routines in more effective ways. It's a second chance, mid-year.

Here are some of my goals for the next group of students:

-Provide more assessments

-Have each student create his/her own portfolio of artwork so that they can note their progress

-Have 3-5 minutes of warm-up/doodle time at the beginning of each class. (Thanks, mom, for giving me all of those notepads! They will be put to good use!)

-Create more art history/artist-focused lessons so that the projects are more in-depth & connected.

-Play more music

-Teach students the "Paint" application on the computer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holy crap! I think all of those goals are great ideas. The portfolio is especially important, I think, for them to see how they have progressed. Those kids are lucky to have you Cath. I love that you are so passionate about your field.

WV: scole (almost scold but couldn't quite cut it)