
Shabby Chic - Chevron



I am ready to publicly admit that I have been reading Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series and am thoroughly enjoying book 3 at this time. I in no way, shape, or form support the recent movie based on book was a disaster. I don't know about anyone else, but I am getting really tired of filmmakers adapting books into movies. It's almost like books are being written with the mindset that they will be made into a movie. Some things should be left in their original medium.

In short, the series revolves around a love story that involves a human (Bella), a vampire (Edward), and a werewolf (Jacob). Don't laugh. It really is quite good :) Both Edward and Jacob love Bella and while she loves Jacob as a dear friend, her heart belongs with Edward's. So Jacob loves Bella, Bella loves Edward, and vampire and werewolf are sworn enemies.

Anyways, what I find intriguing is the relationships Meyer has created between these characters. One of the things it makes you question involves what your preferences are when it comes to love/relationships. Do you prefer the infatuated-passionate-love-with-reckless-abandon-for-all-eternity relationship (Bella + Edward) or do you prefer the steadfast-unquestionable-ever evolving-exhilarating-but-calm relationship (Bella + Jacob)? Each one sounds pretty good, but the artist in me makes me partial to the Bella + Edward dynamic even though it's far fetched and somewhat unrealistic.



Anonymous said...

Not you too! This is like what happened when Harry Potter was all the rage. At first I was interested in reading the books, and then they were everywhere and I dug my heels in and refused to read any of them. Now this Twilight series has come up, and I have to keep pretending I'm too good to fall for the vampire romance thing (didn't we do this 10 years ago with Buffy?), even when all my friends are reading the books. Sheesh.

Anonymous said...

The artist in me shares your preference. I say I want both - talk about potentially unrealistic.

c.a.b. said...

Kitkat, sorry to disappoint :) I've been in denial for a long time. It was time to accept'll accept it too. All in good time.

LB-Amen, sister. At least I know I'm not alone. And would you post a new entry?
"I'm WAITIIING!!"-princess bride.

Anonymous said...

To answer your original question, I think the reckless abandon love will always have its appeal, but what books and TV and film don't tell you is that it doesn't last. I think most, if not all, of what we consider "passionate" love is really just physical attraction. It's possible to want someone so badly it hurts. I get that. And it's sexy. But once you've had that person (take that however you want) for a while, the love will either die out completely or it will become the other kind of love (steadfast, calm). The fact that I'm married and have been for 6 years probably gives you a clue that I'm more into the steadfast kind of relationship. In fact, I stopped chasing after a particular passionate relationship in order to have a more enduring relationship. Good choice, I think :)

Anonymous said...

c.a.b. - I DID publish a new post a half hour before you started harping on me. "Ah hahahahaha. Ah hahahahaha. Ah haha ha...(dead)" -Princess Bride