
Shabby Chic - Chevron


I've missed you, Knees and Toes.

I look at the left-hand side of Simply Kate's blog to see that I haven't updated mine in approximately two months. I cringe at seeing this. It feels like another commitment broken (well, it is). Certainly, a lot has been going on since the last entry, but the fact is that I don't make the time and/or trust my intuition when it comes to posting an entry. I have at least 4 drafts from December that I never published. What am I waiting for? I miss writing just for the hell of it, even if it's messy and uninteresting. I have a list of things I wish I'd been sharing over the past 2 months, but I only see the point in picking up with what's actually going on right now.

I just finished one of my last papers for yoga teacher training on Baptiste Power Vinyasa Yoga philosophy and why I chose to teach it. I was making it difficult at first, but then I decided to just write from my heart. I'm such a Type A writer; everything has to sound, look, and flow perfectly. It is rare that I write something and leave it as is. This must come from my 2yrs. as a writing tutor. And I'm certain this is why I have 4, unpublished drafts on queue.

I also spent 10 minutes taking Anthony through a guided meditation this evening. It truly made my day to share that with him. I took a meditation workshop back in December, but this was my first time ever taking someone through a short meditation. My teacher, Sri, works with a foundation called The Art of Living. This is one of the best ways I've seen meditation explained...go here. (It's fun to watch, I promise.) Sri describes meditation as the art of doing nothing. For me, this blew past the mystique surrounding the practice, and I'm eager to learn more, share more about it with Anthony (and anyone else interested). Have you ever tried meditating?

I'm tired, so that's all for now.



Anonymous said...

Okay, the next time you go to visit my blog, visit your own instead! :-) Glad to have you back.

As for meditation, I'd love to be able to. Maybe you can help me with that one day. Like many people, my mind is far from still. I do find it calming to focus on just one thing--say, breathing--so maybe there's hope for me yet!

As for writing from the heart, I find it helps me to respond to a question or a specific series of questions.

c.a.b. said...

Haha! Good point, DK :) I'll share what I know about meditation; the key for me is to not have any expectations around it. Focusing on one thing is a great way to go!

And you have another point about responding to questions (similar to the ones you posted recently) :)