
Shabby Chic - Chevron


The 1/2 Year Holiday

I went to Target today and all the oranges and browns have been changed to reds and greens. After that, it will be pinks and reds for Valentine's Day, and then pastels for Easter. The Starbucks monster has promptly adjusted their coffee cups, coozies, ads, mugs, flavors, blends, etc. The consumerist calendar is quite impressive, and also kind of sickening. As one of my professors said a couple years ago, humans are just big, dumb animals attracted to sparkling things and the color red. Target's brilliant team of advertisers and marketers picked a no-brainer when they decided to make their stores and ads predominantly red (which makes me kind of uncomfortable...what about you?). And as we all know, it's insanely convenient that all the new toys (for adults and children) happen to be released around this time of year. For example (one of my personal, outrageous favorites), the FurReal Friends Pony-Butterscotch. For $249.99, this pony can be yours! Crazy. What a crock. Try explaining that to a 7yr. old, though.

On a brighter note, there are four days of school this week, followed by 2 days next week, and then, Thanksgiving with the family! I cannot wait :)

Happy Veteran's Day to all those who have served our country.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And here I thought I was a bitter realist/pessemist. You might have me beat.