
Shabby Chic - Chevron


New Books

Today, I received the November and December books of the month. The December book is entitled Our Gracie Aunt by Jacqueline Woodson, illustrated by John J. Muth (gorgeous illustrations!!). It is a story about 2 children who are taken in by their aunt because their mother neglects them. I am excited to share this book with the kids and make an art connection, especially with the illustration aspect of it. One of DCPS's goals for visual arts K-12 this year is connecting art and writing: having the students create the piece of art and then be able to write and/or talk about it by using critical thinking skills. This seems like a great opportunity.

Several students are showing up to school without jackets or warm clothes despite the sudden cold snap here; in the mornings, it's in the lower 50s. A common question runs through my head when I encounter situations like this: who/what decides the environment into which we are born? I asked myself this same question while working at Wolfson with Z, in particular. Z is a four year old child who had been subject to awful, awful forms of child abuse. It makes my stomach turn just thinking back on it. Anyways, I know that I have no control over the homes in which these children are raised, just like Z. And I know there really isn't an answer to that question stated above; one could drive him/herself made trying to figure that one out. Still, it's not fair. Grrr. I know that I have control over my actions, and it only makes sense to do things for the greater good, no matter how hopeless it may feel at times.


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