
Shabby Chic - Chevron


Referral No. ?

I am waiting for the day when I am reprimanded by the administration for writing too many referrals; I've lost count. I wrote two today for students who continuously yelled during the lesson and bullied others. If there is one thing I cannot stand, it is bullying. As a child, it would make me so angry when teachers would not do anything about it. Respecting each other seems to be one of the hardest things for my students to learn. Now, I know, in general, kids can just be plain-old ugly to each other...and I don't expect them all to like one another, but there does need to be a level of decency.

I am finding that this "level of decency" is also lacking from teacher-to-student and teacher-to-teacher. If we aren't setting good examples, who will? Calling kids "hard-headed", "girly", "cheaters", and "liars" or threatening to smack them around OR telling their parents to beat them isn't helping. Unfortunately, it has become one of the only things the students respond to.

On a more positive note, Ms. H's class has really come around. I am eager for them to do their Social Realism project in a few weeks.

1 comment:

Pete Bauer said...

Respecting others first comes from self respect. If they haven't been taught that, then they have no frame of reference.

Good luck! You're a better person than I am.