
Shabby Chic - Chevron


I am ecstatic.

Yesterday began the M Body Yoga "40 Days to a Personal Revolution" program. This program includes the following each week:
-5 studio practices
-1 home practice
-1 day of rest
-2, daily meditations (morning, evening)
-In week 3, we do a 3-day fruit cleanse (That'll be interesting. I may call some of you whining).
-keeping a journal of daily food intake and things in general
-Monday night group sessions

Our 1st group session was last night, and we had to introduce ourselves and announce why we are doing this program. I hadn't thought about this extensively; I knew I wanted to do it for physical and emotional well-being. But when it was my turn to speak, what came out of my mouth was, "I'm tired of making excuses. I fill my life up with so many distractions to the point that I am unable to feel centered & feel good about my core...I'm not sure I've ever felt centered."

Hmm....thank you, inner-voice, for speaking the f*** up. lol :) After the next few people shared, I thought about what I'd said, and I realized that I'm also doing this to work on living in the present. Not doing this has been the cause of much anxiety and sometimes depression...which is just dumb (easy for me to say that now when I'm feeling so great). The last thing that helped me with that was my internship at Wolfson Children's Hospital. Your worries about life are put into perspective when 5-18 yr. olds are battling leukemia and you're perfectly healthy. More on that later.

So far, I am on track. I've done the meditations and have gone to the studio to practice both yesterday and today. I feel great. Really. I had more to say, but I think I'll stop there for now. A shower is in order.


Anonymous said...

Yay! 40 days to a stronger, refreshed and centered Catherine. Reading your post made me think "Yeah, dammit! I need to do one of these!" Love you and can't wait to hear about what the heck a fruit cleanse is.

Word Verification: feencer (Say it out loud - you can't not laugh! haha!)

c.a.b. said...

LB-You're right! Saying feencer aloud made me laugh, which resulted in my abs hurting more than they already do. Thanks :)

Thanks for your support!

WV: curnakie

Tracy said...

Is this something they only do every so often? I bounced around the website but had no luck...

I think it sounds incredibly hard but yet amazing.
I'd probably die. I wonder if they'd be mad I don't eat veggies. Thank goodness it's a FRUIT cleanse! : )