
Shabby Chic - Chevron



Good news! Due to a lack of DCPS school board support, the possibility of West Jax being merged with my school is slim to none...closer to none. This makes me very happy because I don't think our school is ready to accumulate 200 more students yet. We're making significant gains academically, but there is much work to be done concerning the general atmosphere of the school and discipline of the students. Additionally, this gives me a chance to have another year (if my job stays intact) to teach, pay off my loan, save for graduate school, and get my professional certificate. Woot.

In other news, I've been getting the feeling that 2009 is going to be a year of growing and stretching. I can't put my finger on why I feel that way. The last year like that for me was 2006, and 2007 proved to be the year to apply all that I learned in 2006. We'll see what happens.

This is a short week: Friday is a Planning Day and Monday is a national holiday, as you know. My 24th b-day is Saturday. Hmmm...what was I doing 10 years ago? Oh yeah, hating high school :)


Anonymous said...

Saturday seems to be a popular day for birthdays, although my other two friends from Facebook who have that birthday are both turning a little more than 24. I can't believe you're only 24. You seem far wiser than your age suggests :)

c.a.b. said...

Thank you, kitkat :)

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear your school will be around for another year w/o adding to the fuss. I can vouch for the hating high school part 10 years ago. But then, didn't we both? I think I survived senior year because of you. Happy Birthday, my love. Eat lots of good stuff, ok? Love u

Word Verification: peapixen (entertaining, no?)

Reenee said...

Hooray for national holidays!!! I wish Tuesday, 1-20-09, could be one too!!