
Shabby Chic - Chevron



I introduced Andy Warhol to Grades 3-5 and Marc Chagall to Grades K-2 for their next projects. They seem fairly excited; naturally, the Kindergarten students were ooo-ing and ahhh-ing at the large pictures from the projector. It is fun to see them get so excited for a couple reasons: 1) they are engaged and 2) I wish I had been exposed to different artists at that age. It is also interesting to see their reactions to different genres of art: realism, impressionism, surrealism, pop, etc---because more often than not, they think that "good" art is realistic, i.e., if you cannot draw or paint photo-realistically, then you are not an artist. It's great to realize otherwise.

Other than school...

I've decided to start exercising again (please note, I decided this yesterday and I'm on a 2 day streak so far) and I am determined to keep up with it. There's nothing worse (for me) than resorting to television as a relaxation method. While I was out, I met my next-door neighbor (Morah) who is very sweet, and we shared our concerns about the woman who lives above Megan and me. Our upstairs neighbor is a single mom with 2 (or 3, we are not sure) kids: 9yrs. old, 5 yrs. old, and an infant. She never acknowledges us and the only thing I ever hear coming out of her mouth is the "F" word which is always aimed at her own children. Now, I can't lie; the "F" word is one that I use too often along with other expletives. But there is a time and a place. Telling your kids to "Get in the f-ing car and shut the f up" every single morning just isn't right. I won't go into too much detail, but I can say that this woman is emotionally, physically, and verbally abusive to her children, which angers me to the nth degree. Morah and I decided to research and see if we can do anything about it since she can hear the mom yelling as well. Grrr. ..people.

I'm not sure how I went from exercising to the F word.

And I'm sorry my blog is kind of depressing, thus far.

1 comment:

Pete Bauer said...

You never know how those artistic seeds will grow over time. Keep up the great work.

As for the other situation... there is nothing more devastating for me than to watch a parent take out their frustrations of life on their children. Raising children is such a great responsibility... one that I believe we will be held accountable when we die. To see the opportunity wasted like that... very troubling.

I would just pray for her. God can do more with a single thought than we can accomplish in a lifetime.